About a week ago, I realized that it's already spring, and summer would be coming in a few more months. At first, my head was filled with thoughts of warm summer days, laying by the pool with a nice cold glass of ice tea, as the sun reflected off of the glimmering ice cubes. Unfortunately, that beautiful thought was quickly interrupted by a sudden feeling of panic, as I realized that summertime, meant swim suit time.
Generally, this wouldn't really matter, because I'm always stuck with one piece bathing suits, or tankinins; not because I am ashamed of my body in any way, but because I always thought they were cuter. Seeing as how I will be 16 this summer, however, my opinions on swim wear have changed quite a bit. This year I think I will definitely be buying a bikini[hopefully one that's pink with frills ;u;], which means that I had to start, at that very moment, my journey to getting in shape.
Keep in mind, this whole inner-monologue took place a week ago, and so I am already pretty comfortable with my dieting and exercise routine, but there are definitely a few things I need to fix.
I've started to really pay attention to what I eat, and try to take in very few sugars and fats. I eat lots of oatmeal, grains, and lean meats like chicken now, along with drinking water constant. Along with my new diet, I have been doing at least one hour of cardio and strength training every day. It's going surprisingly well, other then the occasional craving for something sweet. I swear, little candies and cakes may look adorable, but they must be constantly plotting the extinction of mankind, or else why would they make us gain weight? ;A; [/sobsobsob]
Anyway, as far as progress with my quest to getting in shape goes, I feel like I'm doing pretty good. I didn't start out needing to lose a lot of weight [5'7", 130lbs], but I wouldn't mind dropping 5-10lbs. My main goal is to turn a lot of the excess fat on my body into muscle, so that I won't look flabby in a cute bikini. So far I have lost 3lbs, which is exciting, and is helping to motivate me to lose more.
I'll definitely blog about this more as I get results, and hopefully by summertime, I'll be able to post a picture of me in the cute pink ruffly bikini. ;u; [I wonder if one of those even exists...]
Thanks for reading, and if you have any fitness questions, or want to ask me anything else, feel free to comment.

[Look guys, I found a cute one on google~~~☆☆☆]
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